If you’re reading this chances are you are searching for tips to help you through a fitness program. Or you have been unsuccessful in the past and want to know if it is even possible to get through a program successfully. If this is you take a moment to celebrate how normal you are! Congratulations, you are not the only one in this world who finds it tough when it comes to fitness and staying consistent to the end.

I have spent years signing up for expensive programs, subscribing to all the new sensations being advertised, following plans online, visiting weight loss doctors, starving myself using unhealthy lose fat in 10 days programs and trying passed down quick fixes from friends and family members. All of that, and in the end I concluded that I should just get Lipo Suction. I mean, the feeling of failure was real on my journey.

So let me ask you something now, can you relate to any of that? Yup I will wait…

Attempt after attempt, there was something disconnected in my ability to achieve the goals I wanted. It was something within me. As much as I would love to blame the programs, my work schedule, my kids, my financial situation… the list of setbacks was endless. As my desire to transform my body intensified, I began to realize I had to make some changes within. There was nothing I could do to control the things around me, and if I allowed that to be my deal breaker I would live a life never acheiving anything. So how is it possible? Let me explain to you how I began to lay hold on success in my own goals. The 5 steps below are the most important steps I found in my journey, they are my foundational steps. As you begin to put them into practice, I assure you the results you get will be mind blowing.

They are:

1. KNOW YOUR DESIRE & WHY – You have to make a solid decision of what you want.

  • Knowing eliminates confusion
  • Knowing provides guidance in your everyday decisions
  • Knowing empowers you to stand your ground always in every situation

2. GET YOUR MIND IN LINE – What ever you think you will experience, remove doubt and failure.

  • Your mind needs to focus on the positive
  • Your mind needs to be reprogrammed away from “Can’t”
  • Your mind is the biggest muscle you will have to train on a continual basis, to ensure it is thinking the correct thoughts at all times

3. MAKE YOUR GOAL A PRIORITY –Everyday should include your goal, schedule it in and stick to it.

  • Scheduling creates repetition and develops habits
  • Scheduling keeps you accountable to work on what is important to you
  • Scheduling helps you prioritize and eliminates time wasting
  • Scheduling is the key to conquering procrastination

4. LEARN TO DO THIS ON YOUR OWN – Everyone’s goals are different, do not let other people derail you from your routine.

  • You become your biggest cheerleader
  • You avoid feeling lack of support
  • You avoid falling off track
  • You develop strong inner strength
  • You easily support others in their journey, because you know what it takes

5. BECOME AN EXPERT – Ensure that you are reading and getting understanding in anything you are doing, the more you know the more you grow in strength.

  • Reading helps you understand and eliminates frustration
  • Reading equips you with knowledge and empowers you to do more
  • Reading enlightens you and gives  you confidence in what you are doing

You Are Loved xo,



  1. Ash Avatar

    I needed to read this! I’ve been struggling with my fitness journey. I always seem to fall back into the same bad eating habits & lack of exercise. I love how the point about getting your mind right. I will be focusing on that going forward. Great tips🌷


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I’m Angel

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