We are finally here! Spring 2023 has sprung and there are so many ways we can make the best of this new season. I don’t know about you, but I can feel a rapid change in the way we need to focus our minds. There is so much going on in the world, and our very own lives. But one thing will never change and that is the feeling Spring brings. The feeling to clear out, clean up and freshen up. 

Without getting into the obvious tasks of cleaning our homes and sprucing up our living spaces. I was thinking… there is so much more that can be addressed in this change of season. So I made a list of the things that affect me the most and analyzed how I could freshen these areas up to make the best of this transitional time.

The following categories made perfect sense to me:

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Social Life
  • Self Care
  • Goals
  • Home

These areas impact us on a daily basis and should be looked at every season, especially when we are talking about the freshness of Spring.


  1. Refresh Your Workout & Nutrition Plan – Now is the time to look at your current need for your health goals and see if there is anything you can adjust. Your routine during the winter months may not be suitable for this new season. Each season brings it’s own challenges and you need to sit down and make sure you are doing what is right for you. Maybe the fitness plan you follow can incorporate more outdoor workouts. Maybe the time you workout can be adjusted to accommodate the time shift. 

When it comes to your nutrition, how you were eating in the winter months may need to adjusted for the new season. With Spring in the air the types of food you want to have may be different. Your supplemental needs should also be reviewed.

2. Refresh Your Skin Care Products – Each season will bring different skin care needs. What your skin needs through the dry winter months may differ from the new season approaching. Go through your skin care products and refresh your products.

3. Refresh Your Morning & Night Routine – Who else loves a good routine? I know I do! The thing is routines need to be reviewed and updated. In the spring, your routines should be updated. The time shifts, the energy is different and you need to make sure you routine is giving you what you need in each season.


4. Review Your Finances – It is always a good idea to review the financial goals you have and see where you are in terms of your goals. In the Spring some new ideas for how you want to spend you money, what you want to save for, and new expenses may come up.

5. Review Your Subscriptions – Along with finances, subscriptions can add up. During the winter months you may have signed up and subscribed to many things due to being home most days. Review the usage of all your subscriptions and determine the need you have for them.


6. Clean Up Your Social Feed On Every Platform – it is a natural change we all go through, to outgrow circles. Or the interest can start to differ. Instead of continually socializing in pain. It is time to clean up your feed and move on.

7. Clean Out Your Phone – I know I am not the only one who has a bunch of things stored in my phone. In hopes that you may need that screen shot, message, note or photo at another date, you probably won’t.  Take some time to go through your phone and clear what is not needed anymore. You will thank me later.


8. Clean Out & Organize Your Fridge – Over the winter we can easily accumulate things, and the fridge is not exempted from this truth. With the new season, take the time to give your fridge a fresh start. Buy the organizers and make your fridge a place that is please to the eye!

9. Get Rid Of Clothes You Haven’t Worn – One of the hardest things we can do in life is part with clothing in our closet. But it is time to look in that closet and get rid of the items that you are not wearing. Holding on to clothing that you “might” wear at some point is a no no. You are not going to wear it. Get rid of things to make space for new things to come your way. A rule of thumb, if you haven’t worn it in the last 6 months. Get rid of it. Gift it, donate it, sell it. But do not keep it anymore.

10. Clean Out Your Most Used Spaces – Whether it be your vehicle, purse, or gym bag. We all have somewhere we tend to place our most used items. These areas can become a storage for junk and now is the time to go through these spaces and clean them out.


11. Refresh  Your Goals & Focus – I saved this point for the end, not because it is the least important, actually it is quite the opposite. With all the points on this list. They all tie into this one point, your goals need to be reviewed. What do you want? When the seasons change, we can find ourselves wanting other things to manifest in our lives. Reviewing our goals is such a priority. This way you can take the necessary steps. When your goals are reviewed you can set your focus in the right direction.

Happy Spring Cleaning!


Angel 💚

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I’m Angel

Welcome to My Purpose Lifestyle, my prudent corner of the internet dedicated to all things spiritual growth in Christ and living a healthy lifestyle. So, I invite you to join me as I share knowledge, encouragement, and insightful tips to help you grow in your individual walk in your God given purpose. Here, we grow 💚✨

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